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Mountain Biking

Bicycle Post Trail status
I just want to thank all the people who have worked on the trail in the past two weekends getting it back in shape.  It is more than ready for the race next weekend as well as the general fall riding season!  The trail is in the best shape it has been in MONTHS.  The Creek, BC, 121 and Graveyard loops all got a lot of TLC and are in great shape for riding.  Additionally all of the low trees and branches have been cleared from the Swamp loop.  The only trail that still needs significant work is the Outer Limits and we plan on attacking that very soon.

If you ride the trail regularly and have not helped out yet, please consider joining us on future work days to finish this job off (details will be posted/emailed).  Yes, it is hard work, but there is nothing more rewarding then going out and riding the trail when it is in super shape and knowing that you were part of the reason why it looks and feels so good.  Also if you meet or know someone who has helped out recently, shake their hand and thank them!!

- Ryan
Outer Limits is open.
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