6/13/2013 12:03 PM
Sorry for the delayed response. The trail work day is Sunday June, 30 at 9am. It would be great if you could bring a weedeater, saw, clippers, etc... Thanks so much! -Chris From: Bicycle Post Trail <bp_trail_forum@ecvelo.org> To: "cchhrriiss11@yahoo.com" <cchhrriiss11@yahoo.com> Sent: Monday, June 10, 2013 7:00 PM Subject: re: When is next work day.
 Danny Mooring
6/10/2013 5:59 PM
June 30th is on a Sunday. So do I show up Sat or Sun? Do I need to bring anything? (Weedeater, Clipper, ect. If I get to ride this weekend I may take some clippers to the back trails.
6/10/2013 5:25 PM
The next work day is Saturday, June 30th at 9am. Meet at the trail head. Bagels and coffee will be served during a brief meeting then we will get started.
On Jun 10, 2013, at 6:44 AM, "Bicycle Post Trail" <bp_trail_forum@ecvelo.org> wrote:
> Posted by: Benjamin D Mooring on 6/10/2013 at 5:37 AM > > > When is the next cleanup day? I would love to help if I can get time off from work. > Road Yesterday (06-09-2013) had several trees down and lots of thorns to get through. > > Wish more people road the outer trails to help keep it down. > > > > <<-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->> > You have received this message as a member of: East Carolina Velo Cycling Club > View online: http://ecvelo.clubexpress.com/content.aspx?page_id=2161&club_id=984060&item_id=348871&message_id=865175 > Reply: By email, or online (at the address shown above) > Change preferences (including opt-out): https://ecvelo.clubexpress.com/content.aspx?page_id=13&club_id=984060 >
 Danny Mooring
6/10/2013 5:37 AM
When is the next cleanup day? I would love to help if I can get time off from work. Road Yesterday (06-09-2013) had several trees down and lots of thorns to get through.
Wish more people road the outer trails to help keep it down.