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Bicycle Post Trail

Trail work day, Sunday Oct 6th, 9AM at trail head
Even though the Monkey Chucker was canceled for this weekend we STILL need to do some serous clearing of growth at the trail so that it is in top shape for fall and winter riding and racing.  We will have a trail work day this coming Sunday, Oct 6th, meeting at the trail head at 9AM.  Please wear decent shoes, etc. and bring any power weed whackers or hedge trimmers that you have.  We will bring the club's tools out as well, so if you don't have any tools to bring that is okay.  Reply here if you can make it so I have a decent head count for the donuts that I will be picking up.
Should be able to make it.  Will have to double check with my scheduling coordinator just to be safe though. 

On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 9:41 AM, Bicycle Post Trail <> wrote:
Posted by: VT Ry on 10/1/2013 at 8:33 AM

Even though the Monkey Chucker was canceled for this weekend we STILL need
to do some serous clearing of growth at the trail so that it is in top
shape for fall and winter riding and racing.  We will have a trail work day
this coming Sunday, Oct 6th, meeting at the trail head at 9AM.  Please wear
decent shoes, etc. and bring any power weed whackers or hedge trimmers that
you have.  We will bring the club's tools out as well, so if you don't have
any tools to bring that is okay.  Reply here if you can make it so I have a
decent head count for the donuts that I will be picking up.

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